
Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Haven't had a personal update in a little while. Haven't been able to train in while due to:

1. Had exams.
2. Was sick and still am.
3. Been picking up injuries somehow, the latest one is my foot which prevents me from walking and makes me look like that weird hump guy from 300 when I move around...

Still, trying to make some progress on the gut front. Down from 110 to 108.5 Kilos this morning (started at 115 for those interested). Some things I have been doing include drinking alot of water and green tea between meals to curb my hunger as well as reducing the amount of food I have been eating during meals.

Anyone else have any tips?


NorthernLad said...

I feel with ya on that first one. Thank god it's over now. Now I can concentrate on more important things. Like the Internet. :p

Dejch said...

some of you are trying to lose weight.. but i am trying to gain some :)

dapsandhugs said...

Good job! Also it's a shame you're feeling sick, feel better soon!

Jay said...

keep up the hard work. Remember, Suffer dedication or suffer regret. And if thats not enough motivation, Hard work beats talent, when talent does not work hard.

Anonymous said...

love the blog mmmm

Blogging Skater said...

eat 6 small meals a day, keep them high in protein and generally low in carbs. to lose about a pound a week, cut out 500 calories daily. 500x7=3,500 calories also known as 1 pound.

themajessty said...

Good luck with the weight loss! Admire you for that. :)

ScrewsAndFeathers said...

Good luck man! It's great that you're losing some weight!

Franci said...

Too bad you're feeling sick.

cezary said...

after each meal, eat an apple-pectin do their work;)

Intraman said...

hope you get better soon bro

Tech Unlocked said...

Hope you get better soon.

Dola said...

one exam down! gratz =D

TDJ said...

Bad luck on the injuries. But about the gut, just eat less. Write down what you eat for a couple of days and see at how many calories your at. Than just lower that gradually and you'll be okay.

Da2Shae said...

Hope you heal well! This diet and exercise is great for your body and it will thank you for it too!

Krymore said...

Gees, sounds ruff... but gotta tilt my hat your way for keeping with it

random / lame said...

Get well soon mate

supearmy said...

Cut down on the carbohydrates, try the brown rice diet and do some really tough routines, as much as possible with your injury of course. I got fitter just my setting records for the amount of pushups and situps I could do, and would thus practice every night.

Hope it helps!

Shreddie Murphy said...

good tips, followed.


hope you feel better

Marcos said...

Oh man, i hope you get fixed soon.

The Great Web Sage said...


Noctis said...

Take rest and don't overdo it for now! You really are a dedicated person and I like that, will be following you.

Pool Fool said...

hope you get feel better

Tommy.- said...

this might sounds like a cliche, but if you got injured, you could spend some time in the old art of meditation. I gotta say it really helps, to control the pain, to learn how to breathe properly, to find answers to situations of your life, and a lot of things more. Im a martial artist too, so take this as an advice :)

Finding Cheap Homes said...

I know this is off topic, but I love your blog design. Its simple and easy on the eyes!

Keep it up!

Admin said...

Make more posts like this!

phosports said...

ive missed your road to black belt!
hope your alright

withoutdiscipline said...

Good luck with exams, I have them too

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